Courses Grid 02

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Islamic Philosophy and Quranic Studies

  • 299 hours Duration
  • Quran Category
This class is for students who can fluently read Qur’an. Ut enim ad…
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Online Quran ijazah Course

  • 155 hours Duration
  • Arabic Category
This class is for students who can fluently read Qur’an. Ut enim ad…
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Online Tajweed Rules Course

This course focuses on Tajweed rules, taking you on a step-by-step journey through…
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Tafseer of Surah Al-Fatiha Short Course

This class is for students who can fluently read Qur’an. Ut enim ad…
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Online Quran Classes For Ladies

  • 145 hours Duration
  • Quran Category
This class is for students who can fluently read Qur’an. Ut enim ad…
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Quran Intermediate Course brother

This class is for students who can fluently read Qur’an. Ut enim ad…